The Heidi Hauer Podcast Are you ready to integrate health, happiness and fulfilment with professional success? If you want to bring balance into your life while staying focused on your career and doing good in the world, then you are in the right place! Leadership and Holistic Health Coach Heidi Hauer shows you how to use intuitive tools and access life-changing mindset shifts that support you in leading an abundant, meaningful and successful life. Learn from female entrepreneurs, spiritual leaders, and creative powerhouses how to live on purpose, nurture your wellbeing and have a positive impact on the world.
- Sara Nuru - Vom Model zur Visionärin: Wie Intuition und Mut das Kaffee-Business neu erfinden | Germanby Heidi Hauer on July 10, 2024 at 8:53 am
Diese Folge liegt mir sehr am Herzen. Ich hätte niemand Besseren finden können als erste Interview-Partnerin für meine Mini-Serie: INTUITIVE LEADERSHIP FOR IMPACT Sara Nuru ist mehr als nur ein bekanntes Model und Germany’s Next Top Model-Gewinnerin 2009 – sie ist vor allem eine mutige Unternehmerin und Visionärin. In dieser Folge spricht sie über ihren Weg vom Model zur Gründerin von nuruCoffee und nuruWomen. Sie beschreibt, welche Rolle Intuition für sie in der Entscheidungsfindung spielt. Wir erfahren, wie sie Chancengleichheit in Äthiopien fördert und welche Herausforderungen sie auf ihrem Weg meistern musste. Lass dich inspirieren von Saras Reise und ihren Botschaften an Mädchen und Frauen weltweit. nuruCoffee wurde von den Schwestern Sali und Sara Nuru gegründet. Aus Liebe zu Äthiopien und gutem Kaffee beschlossen sie, ein Social Business zu gründen, um durch wirtschaftliches Handeln Gutes zu tun und eine Alternative zum herkömmlichen Spendenmodell anzubieten. Ihr Ziel ist es, Äthiopien, das Land ihrer Eltern, von einer neuen und positiven Perspektive zu zeigen. In Saras Geschichte beeindruckt mich besonders ihr Mut und ihre Klarheit, die sie auf ihrem Weg immer wieder aufs Neue beweist. Nachhaltige Veränderungen in der Art und Weise, wie wir Wirtschaftssysteme strukturieren, werden wir nur erfahren, wenn wir traditionelle Modelle neu denken. Sara zeigt uns auch, wie man mit Achtsamkeit und einer langfristigen Perspektive Beruf und Familie vereinbaren kann. Links: nuruCoffee: https://nurucoffee.com/ nuruWomen: https://nuruwomen.org/
- Inner Voices: My Personal Path towards Purpose | Englishby Heidi Hauer on June 29, 2024 at 9:35 am
In this unique and immersive episode created for a live podcast show at the Impact Hub Open Day in June 2024, Heidi guides you through a reflective journey exploring the inner voices that shape our decisions and lives. From rational thinking to critical self-talk, and the subtle yet profound voice of intuition, this episode encourages you to reconnect with your inner knowing and discover the true purpose behind your scars. Key Topics Covered: · Reflection on Scars: Heidi begins by asking listeners to reflect on the word or image that comes to mind when they think of scars. She shares her own association with the word "purpose." · Introduction to Inner Voices: Heidi introduces the concept of different inner voices, including the Rational Voice, the Critical Voice, and the Voice of Intuition. · Personal Story of Finding Purpose: Heidi shares a personal story from a beach in Greece, her corporate career, and her journey to discovering the importance of intuition. · The Role of Intuition in Leadership: Heidi emphasizes the importance of intuition in leadership and decision-making, sharing insights from her own experiences and the stories of others. Memorable Quote: "The change I wanted to create from inside, I now realised, wasn’t necessarily from inside board rooms, but from inside each one of us." Actionable Insights: Recognizing Inner Voices: Identify which inner voice is speaking to you and driving your actions. Is it rational, critical, or intuitive? Creating Space for Intuition: Consciously create moments of silence in your day, even in hectic environments, to allow your intuition to be heard. Tune in to Heidi’s mini-series, "Intuitive Leadership for Impact," where founders and changemakers share how they use intuition in their decision-making. Heidi invites you to share your experiences of reconnecting with your intuition and how it impacts your life and leadership. Reach out and let her know how it goes! Connect with Heidi: Website: www.heidihauer.com Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heidi.hauer/ Thank you for joining this reflective and inspiring journey. Remember to create space for your intuition and watch what happens! The episode is produced by Katarina Hagstedt of Tinka Media: https://www.tinkamedia.com
- Weisheit aus der Sterbebegleitung mit Christiane zu Salm | Episode 89 - Germanby Heidi Hauer on April 19, 2024 at 5:54 pm
Willkommen zu einer weiteren Folge, in der wir uns auf inspirierende Gespräche einlassen, die dazu anregen, über Transformation und Lebenssinn nachzudenken. In dieser Folge haben wir das Vergnügen, uns mit der faszinierenden Christiane zu Salm zu unterhalten. Vom ’roten Teppich’ der Medienbranche hin zu tiefen Einblicken in das Leben und den Tod - Christianes Reise ist eine, die zum Nachdenken anregt und dazu inspiriert mehr aus unserem Leben zu machen. Themen in dieser Episode: Von Glamour zu Glauben: Erfahre, wie Christiane zu Salm von ihrer Zeit als Geschäftsführerin bei MTV Deutschland zur Berufung als Sterbebegleiterin fand. Eine Geschichte von persönlichem Verlust, Nahtoderfahrungen und der Kraft des Loslassens. Weisheiten: Christiane teilt Einblicke in die Sterbebegleitung, welche Einsichten sie daraus gezogen hat, und wie diese ihr helfen ein erfülltes Leben zu führen. Selbstreflexion am Arbeitsplatz: Wie können Arbeitgeber die emotionale Gesundheit ihrer Mitarbeiter fördern, insbesondere in Bereichen, die mit Tod und Trauer verbunden sind? Die Kraft der letzten Momente: Christiane erzählt von der wertvollen Übung, den eigenen Nachruf zu verfassen. Wir erfahren wie diese Übung den inneren Frieden fördern und die Verbindung zu uns selbst stärken kann. Rückkehr zur Normalität: Christiane verrät, wie sie den Übergang von intensiven Momenten der Sterbebegleitung zurück zum Alltag bewältigt hat. Danke an euch alle, liebe Zuhörerinnen und Zuhörer, für eure Zeit und Bereitschaft euch diesem wichtigem Thema zu widmen! Mögen die Einsichten von Christiane euch inspirieren und begleiten. Links: Autorin Christiane zu Salm: https://celebrity-speakers.de/redner/christiane-zu-salm/ Buch 2016 “Weiterleben. Nach dem Verlust eines geliebten Menschen”: https://www.penguin.de/Taschenbuch/Weiterleben/Christiane-zu-Salm/Goldmann/e524640.rhd Buch 2013 “Dieser Mensch war ich. Nachrufe auf das eigene Leben”: https://www.penguin.de/Taschenbuch/Dieser-Mensch-war-ich/Christiane-zu-Salm/Goldmann/e463192.rhd
- Unlocking Your Path to Purpose - Episode 88 | Englishby Heidi Hauer on April 14, 2024 at 1:55 pm
This episode explores how to find, honour, and follow your purpose, even during challenging times. In essence, purpose is about authentically expressing your unique gift or message to the world. Quote: “The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away.” Living your purpose feels like: being passionate, being clear on the direction you are heading, experiencing flow, attracting authentic relationships, and finding inner peace. Purpose is not just tied to career; it encompasses all aspects of life. Purpose is like a puzzle, where each piece represents different aspects of yourself. Living in congruence with your values and aligning various aspects of life contributes to living your purpose. Two fundamental elements for purpose: Knowing and embodying your authentic self. Authentic self is about knowing who you truly are beneath societal expectations and roles. Taking aligned action which means engaging with the world authentically. Combining knowing your authentic self with taking aligned action creates a roadmap to purpose. Your purpose is always evolving, so embrace the journey of self-discovery and alignment. Remember to pause and reflect on your own journey as you listen to this episode, and feel free to take notes on what resonates with you. If you want to dive deeper into exploring and expressing your purpose, join me for the 6-weeks group programme 'Unlock Your Purpose’. We start on 24 April 2024! Click here for more details and to claim your spot: https://heidihauer.com/unlock-your-purpose/
- Embracing Hope with Dr. Jane Goodall - Episode 87 | Englishby Heidi Hauer on February 9, 2024 at 10:00 am
Welcome to another insightful episode, where we dive deep into a conversation that inspires, empowers, and enlightens. This episode is a special one as we have the privilege of sitting down with the iconic Dr. Jane Goodall, DBE - Founder of the Jane Goodall Institute (JGI) and UN Messenger of Peace. The world-renowned ethologist and activist is inspiring greater understanding and action on behalf of the natural world. Dr. Goodall is known for ground-breaking studies of wild chimpanzees in Gombe Stream National Park, Tanzania, which forever changed our understanding of our relationship to the rest of the animal kingdom. Jane’s work builds on scientific innovations, growing a lifetime of advocacy including trailblazing efforts through her international organisation the Jane Goodall Institute which advances community-led conservation, animal welfare, science, and youth empowerment through JGI’s Roots & Shoots programme. Jane is a global icon spreading hope and turning it into meaningful positive impact to create a better world for people, other animals, and the planet we share. What to expect in this episode: ● Hope unleashed: In 2021, Jane was the recipient of the Templeton Prize, and her newest book, “The Book of Hope: A Survival Guide for Trying Times,” was published. Dr. Goodall explores the profound concept of hope. We delve into the origins of hope and whether we can train ourselves to strengthen it. ● Everything is Connected: We explore the pivotal moments in Dr. Goodall's life, which led her to the realisation that everything is connected, and every individual can make a difference. Discover the stories that shaped her worldview and fuelled her unwavering commitment to conservation and activism. ● Navigating Life’s Deeper Truths: Dr. Goodall reflects on her encounters with bigger forces and deeper truths in life. ● Dr. Goodall’s Proudest Achievements: Discover what Dr. Goodall holds close to her heart as she discusses the moments, she is most proud of in her lifelong journey dedicated to understanding, protecting, and preserving the natural world. ● Stories of Inspiration: Our conversation concludes with Dr. Goodall sharing inspiring stories that she believes will resonate with our listeners. These anecdotes provide a glimpse into the incredible experiences that have shaped her extraordinary life. As we wrap up this episode with the wonderful Jane Goodall, we sincerely hope her insights have left you with a heart full of inspiration! If you liked what you heard, we invite you to subscribe and share the good vibes with friends. Until next time, take care, stay positive, and keep making those small, joyful impacts every day. Thanks for tuning in! Links: Jane Goodall Institute Austria: https://janegoodall.at/ Newsbeitrag: Tipps, wie Sie richtig spenden: https://janegoodall.at/richtig-spenden/ Die Magazinausgaben des Jane Goodall Instituts Austria: No3: https://janegoodall.at/wir/magazin-be-inspired-no3/ No2: https://janegoodall.at/wir/magazin-be-inspired-no2/ No1: https://janegoodall.at/wir/magazin-be-inspired/ Jane Goodall Institute: https://janegoodall.org/