Why is it important to trust your gut?
A year and a half ago, I gave up my 10 year professional career, with a well paying salary, with no plan in place! Without obtaining or securing any other job, I knew that something big was waiting for me…it was only a matter of time.
Some friends and relatives were shocked when I told them that I had left my job simply because I sensed something inside me. However, I had felt butterflies inside my tummy saying “go for it“ and I knew it was the right choice to make despite the little support from those around me.
I have experienced many difficult moments in my life on the path to identifying my true purpose; my “gut” appeared to help me when there was a difficult decision to make. I trusted the signs that told me “Sonia, keep thriving in this direction” or “Here is what you are looking for, carry on”… and I did it! Here are a few examples to show you how I trusted my gut and how it helped me become who I am today.
Starting this new journey was the best moment of my life. I built a better mindset, developed my intuition, increased my faith, and so much more.
During this process, I came to understand how to decipher what our mind is telling us and what our heart/gut is saying.
Dealing with difficult work environments, relationships or schools, for example, we are always tempted to listen to what our mind is imposing. We create stories that are made up of those circumstances and misunderstand the reality as a result of the limited information we have collected. We “think” this is what it should be instead of looking for a proven reality. Listening to your intuition helps you avoid unhealthy habits and instead return to the right path.
Nothing is easy, but afterwards you gain behaviours and aptitude to deal with positivity and negativity. This is part of the improvement; increasing values, respect, integrity, and love.
We are in constant conflict with our fears, doubts, and uncertainties which provokes anxiety and stress. When we allow a shift to ignore what this little voice inside us is saying, we path the way for new opportunities and solutions.
When we were young, we were so well connected to our intuition. We worried less, created beautiful imaginary stories and enjoyed life. Now that we are grown, we are constantly being distracted by technology and our surroundings. We are losing our faith and our beliefs whilst our doubts are always chasing and waiting for us to fail.
Here are my recipes for you: do not give up, embrace failure, build a positive mindset, trust your gut, follow the signs, believe in your higher self, listen to your heart, surround yourself with people who encourage your intuitions, and take ACTION. Turn off negative thoughts, leave the ego at the door and say “bye bye” to those who are holding you back. Allow yourself the best chance to prosper and keep moving forward.
Trusting your instincts will help you discover your true value and discover endless ways to pursue your greatest dream. There is no coincidence, only destiny.
Sonia Saidi