3 Ways To Motivate Your Team When Working From Home
Whether you’re trying out remote working for the first time or have been doing it for a while, one of the most difficult challenges you’ll generally face is figuring out how to keep your team engaged and productive. It can be difficult to keep focused while working remotely; there are several distractions that can get in the way of a productive day’s work. So here are some excellent strategies for motivating your team even if you’re all working in different locations. If you can implement at least some of these, you’ll notice that everything operates a lot more smoothly.
Show Them You Care
It may seem unusual, but reminding your employees that you care about them, and especially about their mental health, is critical to their motivation and drive. Your employees will be much more motivated and productive if they sense they work for someone who notices what is going on and is concerned about how they are doing.
You can do this by scheduling frequent check-in sessions with each member of the team personally. This will allow you to catch up and find out how they are doing, as well as address any specific difficulties or concerns they may have.
Use Technology To Connect
There is a lot of technology available for use in the home office these days, and it should be utilized as much as possible to ensure that everyone who works for you is appropriately motivated. Some examples of technologies that you can use are:
- Video conferencing
- Tools for collaboration (such as Microsoft Teams telephony)
- Sharing tools (such as Dropbox and other cloud-based services)
Using this technology, everyone can remain connected, and even joint tasks may be accomplished without any issues, even though everyone is working in separate houses or even different cities, states, or countries. The benefit of working remotely is that distance is no longer an issue, and you can employ the strongest individuals for the job rather than the best people in your area (and the difference can be massive).
Give Deadlines, Not Schedules
Working from home can make the typical 9 to 5 schedule much harder to follow. There might be many various reasons for this, notably the fact that individuals are able to start much earlier or end much later since there is no need to travel.
As an employee, keep in mind that some people are more efficient first thing in the morning, while others perform considerably better in the evenings. Giving deadlines but not tying people down to a certain timetable is the best choice to make with a remote workforce. It shouldn’t matter when the employee performs the task as long as it is completed on time.
Final Thoughts
Your team is crucial to the success – or otherwise – of your business. Having the right team in place is only the start; if you want to get the most out of them, you’ll need to take proper care of them. As a boss, ensuring your employees are motivated and enjoying their work is one of the best things you can do for your business and the staff themselves.