Are You Getting the Best ROI from Digital Campaigns?
Digital marketing is a handy field for online business and eCommerce. Yet spending so much money, you need to ensure you get the best ROI from your digital campaigns.
Use Email Marketing Tools
First and foremost, let’s get the best campaign strategy out of the way. Email marketing, although old, is still considered the most productive tool by marketers and businesses. In a recent poll, 67% of companies still say email delivers the best results when appropriately implemented alongside others by a reputable social media marketing agency or other online specialists. Additionally, email costs you almost nothing, making it one of the most cost-effective solutions. And given the 5 billion active email accounts today, there is a vast pool of prospects.
Track Your Campaigns
Good digital marketing campaigns combine multiple channels for maximum impact. You could rely on one or two methods of lead generation, such as social media and email. But you would be missing out on masses of potential business without a solid SEO strategy, affiliate marketing, and inbound/outbound lead generation software. Yet you also need to track data for use in amending your campaigns and developing new ones. You can track campaigns through various metrics such as multiple traffic data, session duration, likes and shares, and click-through rates.
Get the Best ROI by Comparing KPIs Against Goals
Solid marketing strategies are defined by achievable goals. These could be sales by date, traffic goals, or orders fulfilled. Once you have clearly defined goals, you need to measure how you are doing using key performance indicators or KPIs. KPIs are various metrics that let you track how close you are to reaching your goals. Good data is measurable, linked to your overall business goals, and are consistent. For instance, if you need to measure sales, you require KPIs related to this, such as new contracts, online conversions, or net sales statistics overall.
Test Different Marketing Strategies
A reliable marketing campaign relies on numerous tests. Testing incremental strategies, for example, provides valuable data for use later on. Testing also provides insights into techniques that work and ones that don’t. For example, testing strategy A might have a higher conversion rate with group B than testing strategy B does with group A. However, you can then use any strategy that works with any group for further demographic response. Simple examples include changing a landing page headline or using successful PPC copy in email and social ads.
Diversify Through Multiple Channels
When it comes to increasing ROI, you can’t expect results by putting all your eggs in one basket. Like acquiring assets, a good marketing campaign works well when diversified through multiple channels. One channel may not perform well at one specific time while another increases. But if you invest all your marketing revenue into one channel only, you lose out during a slump. Therefore, you must invest equally in email marketing, social media engagement, PPC, and other channels. That way, you always see a return from at least one.
There are things you can do for the best ROI when marketing. You can begin with reliable email marketing. But you should also compare KPIs against goals and invest in multiple channels.