What makes a storefront feel welcoming and inviting? If your business is in the retail space, you’re most likely trying to figure out what you can do to get customers in the door more. Nowadays, it can take a lot to get foot traffic to come into businesses; even if you’re business is on a main shopping street, you can still expect a bit of hassle.
Store aesthetics can play such a major role, from colour scheme, lighting, and layout can affect how welcoming customers feel when they enter the store. Additionally, the appearance of a store can influence customer engagement and create a positive shopping experience. But how can all of this be achieved? How can you entice the customer enough to where they want to go inside your home? Keep reading on to find out how!
Utilise Positive Colour Palettes
Chances are, you’ve seen plenty of storefronts with bright pastel colours; while this may look like a trend, it’s actually a part of colour psychology. A store’s colour scheme and lighting can influence the mood of customers (both inside and outside). Warm colors such as yellow, orange, and red are known to stimulate appetite (ideal for restaurants), while cool colors like blue, green, and purple have a calming effect (perfect for shopping) if your storefront is an unflattering colour that looks unwelcoming than make sure to reach out to some painters to help you out!
Make the Entrance Visible and Accessible
Maybe people want to go into your store but don’t know where the entrance is. If your building has one of those side doors, you can already count this as a major issue. Creating an accessible entranceway is essential for businesses to be welcoming and accommodating to all customers. It helps ensure that people with disabilities can access the business premises without any difficulty.
To make the entrance visible and accessible, businesses should use sidewalk traffic signs, wheelchair ramps, and other features designed to help people with disabilities navigate their way around. This is going to be key for making it feel welcoming.
Choose a Focal Point for Your Store Front
Typically the exterior focal point for storefronts will either be their large display window or their door. Even if you don’t have a large window, you can still make your door the focal point! All you really have to do is make it unique such as adding colors or decor. Some businesses will even add a floral arch right to their doorway to ensure that it’s a focal point (and it’s Instagrammable too).
Incorporate Suitable Signage
Signs and graphics are huge, as these will clearly define what your business is. They help create a positive impression and attract customers to your establishment. Plus, an attractive signage design and creative storefront graphics can make your business stand out from the crowd. Just make sure this is used to show how unique your business is.
Use Music to Enhance the Atmosphere
Have you ever passed up a restaurant or a store that was playing good music? Did it compel you to want to go inside? Well, music does have that effect! Music is an important part of any store’s atmosphere. It can be used to create a pleasant and inviting environment that encourages customers to stay longer and shop more.
Music also has the potential to influence shoppers’ emotions, making them feel more relaxed, energized, or even excited about what they are buying. So make sure to play some inviting songs, whether it be through Spotify or a streaming service of your choice!