Is it time you modernised your business? Certain old-fashioned business practices and features could be putting off customers. Failure to move with the times could suggest that your company is slow or imperceptive. Below are just a few examples of things that could make your business appear old-fashioned, and what you can do to change this.
Old equipment
You should first consider any old equipment that you may still be clinging onto. Equipment like desks or coffee machines that are visibly worn could be giving your company premises a tired look. Dated hardware like chunky 90s computer monitors or original fax machines can also make it look like your company is stuck in the past. If replacing your equipment is overdue, consider looking into skip hire and getting rid of all your old equipment in exchange for some new equipment. It could also be worth refreshing any old decor while you’re at it such as carpets that are over a decade old or aged signage that’s not of historic significance.
A mobile-unfriendly website
It should go without saying that not having a company website in 2023 will make your company seem dated. However, it’s not enough to simply have a website either. If you built your company website over a decade ago and you still haven’t updated it, consider whether it’s mobile-friendly. Many old websites weren’t built with responsive design features and so the text and buttons can look incredibly small when viewed on a smartphone screen. Consider hiring a web developer to update your website if this is the case.
No social media
Social media pages are also worth having alongside a website. They are a great marketing tool that will show clients that you are a modern business. There are many different social media platforms to choose from – it’s worth focusing on one or two platforms to start with so that you can get to grips with social media marketing. Facebook is the most popular and versatile and could be worth starting out with.
Cash only
Does your business still not accept card payments? If you only accept cash, it will not only make your business seem dated, but also potentially dodgy. It’s easier than ever nowadays to accept card payments with so many cheap card readers (including portable options) available on the market. Invest in a card reader if you haven’t already got one.
Lack of cloud/IoT technology
Do you store all your data on a local server? Or worse – on a computer hard drive? Backing up data on the cloud is not only a good security measure, but it can also allow you to access files from any device in any location. There are many cloud storage companies that you can rent cloud storage space from. Many modern software solutions meanwhile store data on the cloud, allowing it to be accessed from various devices ranging from POS displays to tablets if necessary.
Poor environmental practices
Every modern business needs to consider their carbon footprint. Your company’s impact on the environment can affect your overall running costs through energy bills and fines, as well as your overall reputation. Make sure that you are constantly taking steps to be a greener company and that you’re not turning your nose up to practices like recycling and sustainable packaging.
Paper documentation
Printing off lots of paper documentation is largely unnecessary in 2023, and will just make your business seem old-fashioned. Most written information can be shared digitally nowadays via email. Make sure that you’re not wasting time and money printing things off that don’t need to be printed.