You can prevent some of the worst things that can happen to your venture by paying attention to fireproofing your small business. It isn’t hard, but it requires some changes. Here are some tips.
Make Changes to Existing Features
The building in which your business is located may not be completely fire-safe. But you can make some changes to existing features to ensure you maximize fire safety. For example, you can install metal floor decking in recreation areas instead of wood that can easily catch fire from a stray cigarette or other carelessness. It also helps to upgrade other features in the office, such as coating desks with fireproof sprays in case of an electrical fire from a computer or device.
Check Your Systems Often
A lack of resources to prevent fires is a common cause of office fires. You might have the bare minimum in place or go above and beyond. But neither are of any use if you don’t make sure they are in good working order. You must check your fire alarm systems, such as smoke detectors, on a weekly basis. And it also helps to have someone physically examine fire prevention systems such as extinguishers and fire blankets for evidence of tampering.
Spot Hazards to Fireproof Your Small Business
Being proactive about fire safety will go a long way in reducing the chance of a fire and dealing with it correctly should one happen. Learning to identify potential hazards in the first place is a great start. This includes employees ignoring smoking rules, electrical equipment being left switched on, and the improper storage of materials. Further, you can check the building for poor electrical outlets, out-of-date PAT tests, and even leaking, which could cause sparking.
Keep Your Employees Well Trained
Having your employees know what to do in an emergency can mean the difference between everyone getting out with little to no harm or a terrible tragedy. And even if you have the best plans, they are no good if no one knows how they work. Therefore, it is a good idea to train your employees on basic evacuation procedures. And also, make sure everyone knows how and when to use a fire extinguisher, including the different colors for each type of potential fire.
Implement a Clean Office Policy
Around 10% of office fires are started on purpose. But many can be avoided because they begin due to carelessness and around everyday clutter. For example, an electrical appliance might be left on and therefore heat up. Which isn’t a good thing if there are combustible materials such as paper near it. So making sure your staff follows a clean office policy can help reduce the chances of an office fire. And this also applies to any break areas with cooking equipment.
Going out of your way to fireproof your small business is likely to save lives. You can replace materials like wood, ensure your staff is trained in fire safety, and keep a clean and clear office.