Ancient Industries That Are Still A Good Choice For Startups
Looking for a stable and secure industry to start a business in? While some industries rise and fall, others continue to endure throughout the centuries. This is because there is always a demand for them.
The next century could see many industries being replaced by robots or software. Other industries meanwhile are predicted to fall out of flavour due to being no longer environmentally friendly. However, there are some old industries that are thought to never die – and which could be worth launching a business in. Below are some of those industries.
So long as humans need food, there will always be farms. Farming is the oldest industry – people first started farming fields of crops 10,000 years ago.
Starting a modern farm can require quite a lot of investment up front and you need to be willing to work long hours. However, it can be very rewarding work for plant and animal lovers with a lot of potential for profit. With land becoming harder to find and more expensive, there’s been a huge shift to indoor farming – this could be a much easier and cheaper way to get into the industry. There’s also been a big shift to organic farming. Below are some of the most profitable types of farming to get into right now.
The manufacturing of textiles dates back to 5000 BC. Materials such as leather, cotton, silk and wool have been long used to craft clothes, bedding, bags and curtains – and continue to do so to this day.
You could start a business in textiles by setting up your own factory. By investing in the right machinery, you can help to mass-produce your own range of fabric-based products (whether this is clothes or curtains). You could even start a profitable craft business from home – hand-crafted items are growing in popularity thanks to the likes of Etsy. Synthetic fabrics have become popular over the last century, however organic materials like cotton and bamboo are likely to take over in the future, so bear this in mind.
Wood has been built to construct houses, tools and furniture for millennia. As one of the most eco-friendly materials, this is likely to remain the case for years to come.
There are several ways in which you can get involved in the timber industry. One is to start your own sustainable forest – this is very much a long-term investment that usually requires another source of income until the trees are ready to fell. Another could be to open a timber recycling plant. Alternatively, you could design and manufacture timber-based products.
Metals are another material with a lot of history, beginning with copper and bronze and later iron and steel (this post offers some fascinating information on the history of the UK steel industry). Metal still has many applications today and is thought to remain a popular industry long into the future.
There are so many different ways to start a business in the metal industry. You could start a metal recycling company – with more companies choosing to use recycled metal, this could be very profitable. Alternatively, you could start a welding and fabrication business and start manufacturing metal products using machinery. There could even be the option of a hand-crafted metal company.
Construction companies have always been in demand. There’s not only a growing demand for new houses, but also a constant demand for renovations and conversions.
If you have experience in construction, you could consider starting your own construction business. Small renovations construction companies can be some of the easiest and most affordable to start up. Alternatively, you may prefer to work on bigger projects. In all cases, it’s worth future-proofing your business by embracing modern sustainable methods and looking into modern technology such as drones.